With just a day to spare we have successfully lodged our application for the Capital Sports last night.
We now must wait for notification from the relevant bodies as to how our application will be judged.
As always a small percentage of the large number of countrywide applications will receive grant aid but tonight all who contributed to the process are happy that they have left no stone unturned in a bid to secure funds.
In particular thanks to the clubs, groups and individuals who enhanced our case with their commitment of support.
With or without grant funding we will be getting the heads together in the coming weeks starting with the 2nd meeting of the 4 club committes quickly followed by the public meeting where it's hoped a road map for the future will continue to take shape.
Planning permission notice and outline plans of the 2nd field and walking track are attached. These are the items submitted for on the grant application which if successful would part fund phase one of the development project