Rory is 2 yrs old from Gortnahoe Thurles. He is a friendly loving boy with an infectious smile and a love for life.
Rory was born with Cerebral Palsy which affects his legs and stops him standing, walking and carrying out simple everyday tasks due to the spasticity in his muscles. Rory has physio 7 days a week he wears splints day and night to help with the spasticity and Pain.
Yesterday we received fantastic news that Rory has been accepted by a world renowned Surgeon Dr. T. S. Park in St Louis Children's Hospital, Missouri for life changing surgery SDR (Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy). This surgery along with post op therapy and hard work will allow Rory walk unassisted and pain free.
The surgery is not available in Ireland and is not funded by the HSE. We have had to fight for all services since Rory was born we have been self funding all his treatments.
We now face one final task to give Rory a fighting chance of having the best quality of life that he deserves.
I know these are challenging times for everyone and we would be eternally grateful if you could help us in anyway that you can.
Thanking you all so much
Relay for Rory -
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